Hanwell Fields Community school is committed to ensuring that your child receives the best possible education to prepare them for the next stage of their life. Each school day is carefully planned, and each lesson informs a wider programme of learning. The school day starts at 8:30am and finishes at 3:15pm, totalling 33.75 hours per week. Therefore, every lesson really does count. Your child is a valued member of our school community and every day missed is a day lost without them.
Our attendance target for both individuals and a whole school this academic year is 97%.
If your child has 90% attendance at the end of the academic year, this means that they have missed 19 school days/4 weeks. If your child has 80% attendance at the end of the academic year, this means they have missed 38 days/8 weeks. An average attendance of 80% or less across a child’s school career adds up to missing a whole 2 years worth of school.
In terms of punctuality if your child is: 5 minutes late per day = 3.4 schools day missed per year, 10 minutes late per day = 6.9 school days missed per year, 30 minutes late per day = 20.7 school days missed per year.
At Hanwell Fields, registration is at 8:50am. Children that arrive from 9am – 9:20am will be marked as late, and from 9:20am onwards, marked as ‘Late after registration closes’ which is an unauthorised mark.
Attendance remains a focus each week at Hanwell Fields, with the awarding of our Attendance and Punctuality Bears in assembly to highlight the classes with the highest attendance and best punctuality. You will also find a weekly feature in the school Newsletter.
Your child's daily attendance can be found daily via the Arbor App. If your child's attendance is below 90% you may be called in for an Attendance Contract meeting to discuss targets and next steps in how to support your child’s education.
If your child has an upcoming medical appointment, please ensure that the school office has been notified. For all other absences, please fill out an absence request form which can be collected from the front office, or downloaded via the link below. Please note your child’s attendance is a legal responsibility and permitting absence from school without a good reason creates an offence in law and may result in prosecution. This academic year there have been updates in regards to Penalty Notices for unauthorised absences. Please find all relevant information below.
If you have any questions in regards to attendance, please do not hesitate to contact Miss Mollie, Attendance Officer,
An electronic copy of the absence request form can be downloaded here
Please click here for our Holiday Warning letter
Please click here for FAQs about Penalty Notices